Install the QHBM Library

There are two ways to start developing with the QHBM Library:

  • Install the package in a local environment.

  • Work from the source code.

Pip package

To install, simply run:

pip install qhbmlib

Install from source

1. Fork and clone the repository

In the top right of the GitHub project, under your profile picture, there is a button labelled “Fork”. Click this button. You now have a personal repository with a copy of the library code.

Open a terminal. From your working directory, clone your forked copy of the library:

git clone
cd qhbm-library

Now you need to tell your local git client about the parent repo of your fork:

git remote add upstream

2. Install dependency manager

We use a Python dependency manager called poetry. Install it from source:

curl -sSL | python<X> -

where <X> is your desired version of Python; we currently support 3.7, 3.8, or 3.9. You may be prompted to install additional development packages; you may also need to add poetry to your PATH variable, see the poetry documentation for details. Restart the shell and confirm successful installation:

poetry --version

3. Install QHBM Library

Poetry automatically manages your environment using the specifications in the pyproject.toml file. To initiate your poetry managed virtual environment and install all dependencies, simply run:

poetry install

To confirm that the QHBM Library has been successfully installed from source, you can run the unit tests:

poetry run pytest